Random Idea, Plot and Inspiration Generators for Art and Writing
Searching for a story idea for NaNoWriMo? Want to draw a picture but none of your ideas are working out? Suffering from a creative block? Or are you bored and looking to waste some time? Your solution is here! Maybe! No guarantees!
If you write and self-publish books, I also design covers and make cover paintings for romance, science fiction, fantasy, YA, and other genres.
If you enjoy these generators, you could support me on Patreon for early access to generators or buy me a coffee, but really: the best thing you can do is to tell other people about these generators. Thanks!
This generator gives you the option of simple prompts of a few words each, or complex prompts that may include subject, mood, medium, style, and theme.
An art prompt generator that will give you specific fantasy-themed images to create.
Participating in a fanworks exchange but don't know how to prompt for art? An artist yourself who's looking for ideas? Here you go!
A collaboration with science fiction and fantasy author Yoon Ha Lee, the Machineries of Tarot is a Tarot site with card descriptions (by Lee) and spreads (by me) based on the factions in the Machineries of Empire trilogy. Note: There's no art as of yet, just card meanings and your choice of faction spreads with which to generate readings.
You won't find a bunch of boring meat-spread-lettuce-bread sandwiches here. You will find a surprisingly large proportion of interesting sandwiches someone might actually eat. (And some klunkers. You can't eat win them all.)
I also create affordable book and ebook covers for self-published authors! Click on the image below to go to my website.
New as of October 24, 2024 Romantasy's the hot thing right now. Need a title?
Need a name for that pub or tavern in your fantasy or historical story? Here's a generator that produces UK-style pub names, because I didn't like any of the others I found out there.
Is the only thing holding you back from publishing your great fantasy novel the lack of the perfect title? You probably won't find it here. (Go ahead, prove me a liar.)
In the market for some old-fashioned pulpy space opera titles? Find them here!
Once you've got your steampunk story from #2 in the Plot and Story Generators list, you're gonna want the perfect title for it.
Space opera not doing it for you? Are you thirsting for space marines and armadas? Try this title generator out for size.
Get your angstfest on, it's time for the Young Adult Contemporary Novel Title Generator! With bonus ninjas, thanks to a list of YA sports and martial art-themed contemporaries that was included in my sources.
Murder and mayhem abound in the Cozy Mystery Title Generator. Many of which sound way too plausible. (Alas, not as punny as they can get. Getting machines to produce puns is asking far too much!)
New as of December 8, 2020: Got a hankering for epically epic epics full of grimdark swords, grimdarker sorceries and grimdarkest protagonists? Gotcha covered!