Your sandwich is hummus, sliced strawberries, corn chips and red miso on a lettuce wrap.
11 June 2020 And now it's live! Random Sandwich Generator inspired by Tyler Kord's A Super Upsetting Cookbook About Sandwiches, in which he lists several taste and texture elements he believes all sandwiches should have. My list of elements is slightly different than his, but I think it still produces some interesting sandwiches. And some...interesting sandwiches.
29 May 2020 I got hungry.
June 13, 2023: The generators were down for a couple of months because my webhost updated PHP and the coding I'd done was out of date and broke. It's been updated so the acutely broken things are fixed as well as some minor bugs. Enjoy!
Let me know how you found this site! (4 questions; no personal information collected)
Generator design and preliminary coding by me*, refinement and condensing done by my partner @myrialux. Contact me: my email address is on my Dreamwidth profile page, or tweet @telophase.
* Earlier generators originally based on code from Seventh Sanctum.
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I also do book & ebook covers for self-published authors as Augusta Scarlett.