Newbery Award-Winning Title and Plot Generator


Please Don't Possess
In the beginning, a freckled young boy becomes addicted to danger after his parents enroll in clown college. Things seem to be looking up when he befriends an elephant in a zoo. But when his new friend is accidentally burned to death by their daughter, he learns a valuable lesson about alcoholism and that there is no God.

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Generator design and preliminary coding by me*, refinement and condensing done by my partner @myrialux. Contact me: my email address is on my Dreamwidth profile page, or tweet @telophase.

* Earlier generators originally based on code from Seventh Sanctum.

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I also do book & ebook covers for self-published authors as Augusta Scarlett.

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1 June 2019 By special request and with a massive amount of help in compiling titles and plot elements from Rachel Manija Brown, it's the Newbery Award Winner Plot and Title Generator! Here for all your Problem Novel needs, ready to create a needlessly depressing book suitable to teach innocent children that this world sucks and there's nothing you can do about it! By the way, if you were a patron of mine, you'd have gotten early access to this generator. ;)