Cool Bits Story Generator


The story begins in the palaces of Heaven, when a priest and an assassin meet because of lost knowledge. It concerns the nature of how we know what we know. The antagonist is not motivated because no one will ever love them.

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Generator design and preliminary coding by me*, refinement and condensing done by my partner @myrialux. Contact me: my email address is on my Dreamwidth profile page, or tweet @telophase.

* Earlier generators originally based on code from Seventh Sanctum.

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I also do book & ebook covers for self-published authors as Augusta Scarlett.

News and Updates

26 September 2017 TEN YEARS OLD! Same generator, different look, new URL! Generator look updated, HTTPS added, redirect to new location added. Also, I now do cover designs and original paintings for self-published and small press books, in case you get inspired to write ;).


some time in 2015 I created a Tumblr bot that reposts the Twitter prompts hourly, if you'd prefer to follow that:

6/19/2015 I just created a Twitter bot that tweets a random writing prompt inspired by the Cool Bits Generator once per hour. Follow it at @RandomPrompts. Tweet @telophase to get my attention if it misbehaves.

11/19/2007 Added more Cool Bits.

10/31/2007 Added a new element: motivation. Also added new sentence structures to use it.

6/23/2007 Just created a Random Art Prompt Generator.

5/7/2007 Updated the generator with more Cool Bits that were sent to me.

5/2/2007 A friend is soliciting cracktastic bits for a Cracktastic Bits Story Generator. If you're so inclined, wander on over and comment with your favorite out-there elements from fiction of all sorts.


In June 2006 Rachel Manija Brown made a Livejournal post entitled "Writing by Cool Bit". In it, she mentions the essay she wrote to include in our self-published manga-style comic Project Blue Rose, "which is mostly about shame and shamelessness, but also explains how the story is basically a patchwork of elements and images which I thought were cool or sexy or touching." She goes on to ask: What are your cool bits? What are the themes and stories and images and moments that you love to see?

A number of people replied with lists of their favorite cool bits and narrative kinks. I threatened to come up with a Random Cool Bits Story Generator,and now I finally have. It's got over 500 individual Cool Bits I pulled from the comments in that post. As with all random generators, it produces a lot of misses, a few hits, a few hysterically funny elements...and some things that you could swear you'd read in a manga or fic. Take it with a grain of salt, but you can rest assured there's someone out there who'd read it.

--Telophase, 30 April 2007